A 1.5 million news has been registered in the database of UNIAN news agency. The jubilee news was produced by UNIAN’s Crimean correspondent Lyudmyla Tuzova and came out at 10.53 a.m. on January 14. The news reads as follows: GIANT BABY WAS BORN IN YALTA Simpheropol. January 14. UNIAN. A giant girl was born in Yalta. She is 5.550 kg by weight and 59 cm tall. Doctors say the girl is the heaviest baby ever born not only in Yalta, but also in the whole Crimea, the Yalta City Council disclosed to UNIAN.
The baby was born to Halyna Bondarchuk, 38. The parents decided to name the girl Anisia, as she was born on St. Anisia Day on January 12. Anisia became the fourth baby in the Bondarchuk family. Halyna is a housewife, and her husband works as a guard in a local resort.Commenting on the 1.5 million news coming out, UNIAN editor-in-chief Oleksander Kharchenko said: “We are watching the Ukraine’s pulse beating every day and every hour, and we are very pleased that, despite all our political and economical problems, the jubilee news appeared to be such a good sign as a birth of a new human being”.
UNIAN news agency started its work as early as in March of 1993. An average number of news annually produced by the agency makes up around 200 thousands. Several tens of journalists in Kyiv, all regions of Ukraine, and abroad (Brussels, Moscow, New-York, and Warsaw), are working to produce the news. On the whole, the news agency’s staff numbers 200 employees. News agency’s web site www.unian.net is in the top five of the most visited and most reputed Ukrainian Internet editions.