The Party of Regions and BYuT enjoy the biggest level of trust in Ukraine.
These are the results of a poll, carried out by the Ukrainian Institute for Social Research named after Yaremenko, and “Social Monitoring” center, publicized at a press conference today.
In particular, some 43.3% of those polled trust to the Party of Regions, some 34% - BYuT, some 30.6% - Our Ukraine, some 29.4% - People’s Self-Defense Bloc, some 25.9% - the Communist Party of Ukraine, and some 22.9% - the Socialist Party of Ukraine.
At the same time, some 52.2% do not trust to the Party of Regions, some 62.6% - to BYuT, some 62.2% - People’s Self-Defense Bloc, some 63.8% - Our Ukraine, some 68.3% - CPU, and some 69.9% - SPU.
The poll was carried out in 132 settlements of Ukraine during July 10-18 of 2007. On the whole, 2014 respondents aged over 18 were interviewed. The error margin makes 1.34-2.24%.