COVID-19 epidemic may weaken amid flu season, official says /

Head of the Ukrainian State Food Safety and Consumer Protection Service's Main Department in the city of Kyiv Oleh Ruban says the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic may weaken amid the flu or SARS seasons.

"Today we are seeing a complete correlation of coronavirus with influenza and SARS," he told the Ukrainian Obozrevatel TV channel on October 9.

Read alsoDaily COVID-19 spike in Ukraine hits new high with almost 6,000 cases on Oct 9However, according to Ruban, COVID-19 differs from other acute respiratory infections in that "this viral infection is very severe and very aggressive."

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"Unfortunately, we will see it for another two seasons, 2020 and 2021. There will be an increase in the ascertainment rate, a series of record numbers by March next year," he said.

According to the official, the epidemic may reach its peak in January-February 2021.

COVID-19: Latest developments

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that a coronavirus vaccine may be ready by the end of this year.
  • The WHO says most cases of infection with COVID-19 occur due to 10-20% of sick persons. The spread of the disease takes place in "foci." Premises with large crowds (prisons and nightclubs) pose a potential threat.
  • Epidemiologist Andriy Aleksandrin says Ukraine may face a surge in new COVID-19 cases soon, namely up to 12,000 new cases per day could be recorded in November.