In November, the number of COVID-19 cases continued growing / REUTERS

The number of COVID-19 hospitalizations in Ukraine in November 2020 was 63,958 cases, which was 25% up on October 2020.

This was reported by the National Health Service.

"In November, the number of COVID-19 cases continued growing. There were 349,000 new cases last month, which was 167,000 cases up on October. This was almost the same number as the total since the start of the pandemic, as the overall number of confirmed cases as of November 1 was 395,000," it said.

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The National Health Service reported it had paid over UAH 10.611 billion (US$377.9 million) in reimbursements as of December 9 for medical services provided to confirmed and suspected COVID-19 patients. Of the amount, UAH 316.681 million (US$11.28 million) was paid to 940 health centers with mobile brigades designated for COVID-19 patients. Over UAH 4 billion (US$142.5 million) was transferred to 25 first aid centers, over UAH 6.2 billion (US$220.8 million) was wired to 412 hospitals for in-patient care services.

Read alsoJanuary lockdown: Health Ministry expects 40-50% cut in new COVID-19 cases

"Most of coronavirus patients in November were hospitalized in Kyiv (6,321). The top three regions include Odesa region (3,822 patients), Kharkiv region (3,749), and Dnipropetrovsk region (3,719). In April-November 2020, hospitals admitted almost 193,000 coronavirus patients. Of them, 18% were treated in the intensive care units," it said.

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