Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said media literacy classes should appear in the Ukrainian school curriculum.
"Each of us must learn important skills in the modern world. We all wash our hands and throw away garbage, we don't eat spoiled food. Also, every time we pick up the phone, turn on the computer, tablet or TV set, we must turn on critical thinking. Tell the truth from fakes, truth from lies, evade information garbage. Read beyond headlines. Doubt is very important. Verify any information using several sources, look for the original source, and keep your head cool," he said at the all-Ukrainian forum "Ukraine 30. Culture, media, tourism" in Kyiv, an UNIAN correspondent reported.
Read alsoUkraine about to launch Center for Countering Disinformation – ZelenskyAccording to Zelensky, all citizens should be able to do this from childhood.
"Therefore, media literacy classes should appear in our school curriculum. And those who have long graduated from school, our parents, grandparents, we must teach them information hygiene, what 'fakes' mean and what's propaganda," the president added.