Ukraine has lifted some quarantine-related curbs from May 11. In particular, parks and squares will reopen; Ukrainians will be allowed to visit nail and hair salons, and dental clinics, outdoor facilities of restaurants and cafes.
"This day has come because most of us have adhered to the rules. However, this does not mean that we can neglect biosecurity measures. About 500 new cases of coronavirus infection are confirmed in Ukraine every day," Ukraine's Health Ministry said on Telegram on May 11.
Read alsoLockdown easing in Ukraine: What will be allowed from May 11
As UNIAN reported earlier, Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers issued a resolution on easing quarantine restrictions starting from May 11.
In particular, hair, nail, beauty salons, dentists, lawyers, offices of notaries, auditors, psychologists are allowed to reopen.
Ukraine's government in March introduced a nationwide quarantine to counter the spread of coronavirus infection, after which the lockdown regime was extended until May 11.
On May 4, the quarantine was further extended until May 22, yet, a number of restrictions were lifted from May 11.