Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed the law "On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine on enhancing certain issues of military duty and military registration."
"The document improves requirements for manning the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations with reservists (military-trained individuals with combat experience) in a special period without announcing mobilization," the president's press service says.
This will allow to quickly deploy additional manpower to the country's defense forces, which "will significantly increase their combat effectiveness amid a rapidly increasing military aggression, as well as quickly boost combat potential" and respond to emerging threats to national security in a timely manner.
The decision to launch a call for military service shall be made by the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces on the submission of the Commander-in-Chief.
Read also"It's not 2014": Kyiv ready for any type of Kremlin aggression, FM assuresCitizens called up for service from reserve during a special period shall be subject to the same labor, social, legal, and educational guarantees provided for mobilized persons.
Also, the law is reforming the military registration system and the operations of local military command and control bodies based on European principles and approaches.
In particular, territorial recruitment and social support centers will be created based on military registration and enlistment offices.
Also, the law introduces criminal liability for draft evasion during a special period.