From April 2014 to the end of 2018, some 12,800 to 13,000 people were killed in Donbas hostilities, according to the UN Monitoring Mission on Human Rights.
Approximately 3,300 of the victims were civilians, while 4,000 were Ukrainian military and 5,500 – Russia-backed armed militants, the Mission told dpa news agency on Monday, January 21, according to Deutsche Welle.
Another 27,000 to 30,000 people were wounded and injured in the conflict.
At the end of 2017, the UN reported a lower death toll of hostilities in Eastern Ukraine (10,300).
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The number of wounded was then estimated at 24,000.
According to the UN, 55 civilians died in Donbas in 2018, while 224 were injured.
Ukrainian military estimate their losses at 100 KIAs and more than 500 WIAs.
Pro-Russian militants report 162 dead and 310 wounded.
In general, more than 4,700 people have been killed in militant-controlled areas since the beginning of hostilities.