The vehicle hit a landmine near the village of Opytne / Photo from

"Unfortunately, the Ukrainian forces suffered casualties as a result of the [landmine] explosion," the ATO press service wrote on Facebook on Wednesday.

An investigation is under way to find out the causes and circumstances of the incident, which took place at 15:30 local time on Wednesday.

Прес-центр штабу АТО повідомляє!Сьогодні, 9 грудня, у зоні проведення Антитерористичної операції, неподалік населеного...

Posted by Прес-центр штабу АТО on 9 декабря 2015 г.

Civil volunteer Roman Donik in turn wrote that there were seven wounded soldiers. What is more, two soldiers were reportedly killed in the explosion.

У нас опять потери. На Опытном подорвалась наша бэха семь раненых, два неподтвержденных погибших. Пески обстреляли из гранатомета. Война продолжается.

Posted by Роман Донік on 9 декабря 2015 г.

Presidential Administration spokesman for ATO issues Andriy Lysenko on December 4 confirmed earlier reports that five Ukrainian soldiers had hit a booby trap in the Mariupol sector. Four soldiers were wounded and one was killed in that incident.