Commander of the Ukrainian Joint Forces Operation (JFO) Serhiy Nayev has elaborated on Russia's army grouping deployed in occupied Crimea.

In particular, 200 armored vehicles, 31 tanks, 100 artillery systems, 34 helicopters, 63 aircraft, 684 units of military equipment, and 32,500 servicemen are deployed in Russian-occupied Crimea, according to the exchange information with the Russian Federation provided by the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

"Yes, this information is true. I'd like to add the ground grouping consists of 11,500 people. This is about the entire composition of [Russian troops] deployed in the temporarily occupied territory, which includes the Russian Navy, as well as air defense forces and means. The ground grouping consists of two brigades and one battalion," he said during the Pravo Na Vladu ("Right to Power") TV panel show on TV Channel 1+1 on July 9, as reported by the Ukrainian TSN TV news service.

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As UNIAN reported earlier, the Ukrainian military was considering several possible scenarios of the Russian invasion of Ukraine along different parts of the border.