Political advisers may help unblock Donbas talks with Russia / REUTERS

Spokesman for the Ukrainian delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group (TCG) Oleksiy Arestovych is convinced a meeting of political advisers may help unblock talks with Russia on a full, comprehensive ceasefire in Donbas.

The official claims the members of the Normandy Four, including Russia, have confirmed that political advisers' consultations will continue under any conditions.

"And today [March 31], the Russian Federation actually rejected two proposals at the same time," he told Ukraina 24 TV channel.

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Read alsoTCG talks: Russia turns down offer to secure truce in Donbas from April 1Arestovych reiterated Head of the Ukrainian delegation to the TCG Leonid Kravchuk had proposed a full ceasefire be re-imposed from 00:00 a.m. local time on April 1. In turn, OSCE representatives proposed a joint statement, in which they say the parties confirm they are aware of the need to return to, welcome and assume commitments to take additional ceasefire-related measures.

"The Russian Federation refused point-blank: 'No.' They said the existing agreements are enough, and they do not require any decisions. I think we will be able to resolve this deadlock at the level of political advisers," Arestovych added.

Escalation in Donbas

  • On March 26, 2021, four Ukrainian soldiers were killed and another two were wounded in enemy shelling near the village of Shumy in Donbas, eastern Ukraine.
  • In this regard, President Volodymyr Zelensky instructed Ukraine's delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group on Donbas to initiate an urgent meeting of the security subgroup, as well as urgently discussing this issue at the level of advisers to the Normandy Four leaders.
  • Zelensky also planned to hold separate talks with all Normandy leaders in the near future.