Protests are ongoing in the Armenian capital Yerevan against former president Serzh Sargsyan becoming prime minister, while opposition leader of the protest claimed to launch a nationwide "velvet revolution" following earlier arrests of a few dozen protesters.

Sargsyan, who served as the former Soviet republic's president for a decade, was expected to be instated as prime minister in a parliamentary vote, Daily Sabah wrote.

Sargsyan left the presidency this year upon reaching his term limit.

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Opposition members have decried changes to the constitution that will increase the incoming prime minister's powers.

Read alsoArmenia Police: Twenty-nine protesters detained in Yerevan clashesDemonstrators led by opposition politician Nikol Pashinyan, a member of Armenia's federal parliament, have been blocking major streets in Yerevan for days.

Several demonstrators were injured on Monday as police used tear gas to disperse a crowd, witnesses said.

Pashinyan urged protesters to occupy the prosecutor's office and supreme court buildings.

"Occupy the buildings and do not leave or let anybody inside," Pashinyan told supporters, adding that the current situation in the country calls for a revolution.