The Turkish government sought authorization from parliament to conduct, if necessary, more cross-border operations against Syria hours after Ankara fired artillery at targets inside Syria, local media reported on Thursday, according to RIA Novosti.
“The ongoing crisis in Syria threatens regional stability and our national security,” the Cabinet said in a statement to parliament, calling Syrian actions “aggressive and directed against Turkey.”
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has convened a special session of parliament after a mortar round fired from Syria on Wednesday killed five people and injured nine others in the southeastern Turkish border city of Akcakale.
According to the Turkish daily Hurriyet, the Turkish army carried out a total of 50 artillery strikes on 16 targets inside Syria late on Wednesday.
Turkish media reported that the army believes the deadly mortar shell was fired by the regular Syrian army.
"Several" Syrian army personnel died in the retaliatory strikes, Reuters reported later, citing the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights (OSDH).
Turkish armed forces in the area remain on high alert, Hurriyet said.