U.S. coast guard cutter enters Black Sea first time since 2008 / Twitter

The U.S. Legend-class national security cutter USCGC Hamilton (WMSL 753) on April 27 transited into the Black Sea in support of NATO Allies and partners.

That's according to a report by the U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Africa / U.S. Sixth Fleet.

Read alsoRussia closing off Black Sea areas near occupied Crimea for foreign warshipsHamilton is the first U.S. Coast Guard Cutter to visit the Black Sea since 2008.

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Earlier, the United States and NATO have expressed concern about Russia's plans to block access for foreign warships and state vessels to the Black Sea areas.

U.S. State Department Spokesperson Ned Price pointed to Russia's aggressive actions against Ukrainian ships in the past and restricting access to ports in the Sea of Azov, as well as recent reports on Russia's military build-up in occupied Crimea, on the borders with Ukraine, and provocations carried out by Russian proxies along the contact line.

U.S. coast guard cutter enters Black Sea first time since 2008

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