Some 64% of Ukrainian citizens support the idea of Ukraine's accession to the European Union and only 13% - to the Russia-led Customs Union, according to a nationwide poll conducted by Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation jointly with Razumkov Center, an UNIAN correspondent reported from a Kyiv briefing.

Sociologists note that in December 2014, the share of EU accession supporters stood at 57%, while 16% rooted for the Customs Union. In December 2015, the ratio was 56% to 13%, in December 2016 - 58% and 11%, December 2017 - 59% and 11%, in December 2018 - 59% and 12.5%.

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Certain regional differences on the issue remain in place, as western regions are almost completely oriented toward the EU (90% vs 3%), the central regions also observe a pronounced pro-European orientation (70% vs 8%), a slightly pro-European orientation prevails in the southern regions (44% vs 23%), while the eastern part of the country has a narrower gap between supporters and opponents of EU integration (42% vs 23%).

In the south and east, a significant part of the population could not answer the question as regards their preferences definitely (33% and 34%, respectively).

*** Respondents were surveyed December 13-18. The margin of error does not exceed 2.3%.