Photo from UNIAN

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Dmytro Razumkov, says he sees no global issues that should be put up for an all-Ukrainian referendum in the near future.

The statement came as the Parliament speaker spoke on Radio NV, an UNIAN correspondent reports.

"We must remember that this is not a toy because a referendum is like a scalpel – it can save lives if it's in the professional hands of a surgeon, while in some bad hands it can cause trouble," Razumkov said.

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Razumkov has also addressed the issue of expenses, noting that holding such a poll could cost about UAH 2 billion, and "these funds aren't easy to find amid a pandemic."

"I don't see any correctly formulated global issues that could be put to a referendum any time soon," Razumkov said.


Speaking at a big press conference last week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the issue of the situation in Donbas could be put up for a national referendum.

However, the president added, he would have been "very cautious" about referenda.

"Regarding the national referendum, I believe this should be the main issue that we have today. I believe this is the situation in Donbas. And I am sure that after a while... we will present to the public a referendum with such a topic. This could be one of the plans," Zelensky added.