Ukrainian Health Minister Maksym Stepanov says the Cabinet of Ministers, at the ministry's initiative, has changed the border crossing procedure and eased the observation (isolation) rules for persons entering Ukraine.
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In particular, the Cabinet introduced amendments to the relevant resolution, which stipulate that foreigners and stateless persons (except for those permanently residing in Ukraine, or recognized as refugees, or who need additional protection) are banned from crossing the state border without medical expenses policies related to treatment for COVID-19, observation, the minister said during an online briefing on June 13.
In addition, mandatory observation is required only for persons crossing the border and arriving from countries with a high COVID-19 spread. Also, if they are citizens (nationals) of such countries.
In addition, the government canceled the requirement for mandatory observation for persons crossing the contact line from the country's temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, after reopening of checkpoints with medical examination rooms there.
The amended resolution also provides for an additional reason for permit rejections to persons leaving the occupied territories if during the quarantine they refuse to undergo self-isolation using the "Diy Vdoma" (Act from Home) government app of the Unified EGovernance Web-Portal before leaving the temporarily occupied territories via checkpoints.
As UNIAN reported earlier, two entry-exit checkpoints at the contact line, namely Stanytsia Luhanska and Maryinka resumed their operation on June 10.
Moreover, a checkpoint on the administrative border between mainland Ukraine and Russian-occupied Crimea will reopen from June 15.
Ukraine's Cabinet also adopted a resolution on reopening border checkpoints at the country's international airports from June 15.