Is the Kremlin’s new offensive in Donbas possible?

Is the Kremlin’s new offensive in Donbas possible?

Russia continues to impose a scenario of local confrontation in Ukraine, just like in Transnistria, Abkhazia, or South Ossetia, while trying to "Ukrainize" the conflict in Donbas. UNIAN asked the experts whether a large-scale invasion is possible in this situation, given the escalation observed in the ATO zone in recent days.
17:30, 28.07.2015
Week in numbers

Week in numbers

Four Ukraine’s regional custom’s offices may be handed over under foreign management’s control shortly, at leat 200 Ukrainian citizens are being held captive by Russian proxies, 3,820 trucks have been sent for the past year from Russia to Donbas within 33 humanitarian convoys, Ukraine received EUR 600 million of macro-financial aid. 
18:03, 27.07.2015
Ukrainian interest. Maneuvers in Normandy format, parliamentarian visits, and cynicism at UN Security Council

Ukrainian interest. Maneuvers in Normandy format, parliamentarian visits, and cynicism at UN Security Council

The Normandy Four negotiations have intensified substantially. A group of French MPs decided to play along with Vladimir Putin by visiting Crimea, while the European Parliament delegation paid a visit to Kyiv. Russia beats another record in cynicism at the UN Security Council.
22:50, 25.07.2015
Energy expert: Gazprom has nowhere to sell its gas

Energy expert: Gazprom has nowhere to sell its gas

Oleksandr Kharchenko, Managing director of the Energy Industry Research Center in an exclusive interview with UNIAN commented on the statements about the coming changes in Ukrainian energy market, earlier voiced by Arseniy Yatsenyuk in Washington, D.C. and during his address to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
11:08, 25.07.2015
Fiscal Service official: Ukrainian coal  siphoned to Russia, drugs smuggled back

Fiscal Service official: Ukrainian coal siphoned to Russia, drugs smuggled back

First Deputy Chairman of the State Fiscal Service Serhii Belan speaks in an exclusive interview with UNIAN about the criminal schemes of smuggling goods across the border and in the ATO zone.
08:35, 23.07.2015
Weekly balance: Transatlantic trip, IMF agreements, and cleansing of banks

Weekly balance: Transatlantic trip, IMF agreements, and cleansing of banks

The prime minister brought back from D.C. and Ottawa the investors’ promises of a free trade zone, parliament adopted the bills to secure the IMF tranche, and the NBU announced the completion of cleansing of the banking system - these are the main economic news of the past week.
08:30, 22.07.2015
Week in numbers

Week in numbers

5 states insist on establishing a MH17 tribunal, it took 9 years, 5 months and 25 days for the New Horizons spacecraft to reach Pluto, 36,000 troops will take part in NATO’s land, air, and sea military exercises.
08:20, 21.07.2015
Ukrainian interest. Prime Minister's tour, US aid, and an echo of MH17

Ukrainian interest. Prime Minister's tour, US aid, and an echo of MH17

Yatsenyuk sought for understanding and support while visiting the leading Western states on both sides of the Atlantic. US and European diplomats were closely watching the parliament’s efforts on constitutional amendments regarding decentralization. The world marked the anniversary of the MH17 tragedy over Donbas.
10:05, 20.07.2015
Awaiting the Tribunal

Awaiting the Tribunal

The official results of the international investigation into the MH17 incident in Donbas are due to be published in October, but even today, the global community is actively discussing the need to set up an international tribunal to put to justice those responsible for shooting down the plane. 
19:50, 17.07.2015
Conflict in Mukacheve: Local problem of nationwide scale

Conflict in Mukacheve: Local problem of nationwide scale

The Mukacheve incident leaves more questions than answers. One thing is clear – it’s impossible to soft-pedal on the issue. The government will have to make decisions that may not be easy.
17:15, 15.07.2015
Week in numbers

Week in numbers

3.5% of Ukraine's population is under poverty line in terms of absolute criteria, nine people were injured in a shootout in Mukachevo, 350 out of 400 Ukrainian language classes in Crimean schools have been closed up, 7,062 Ukrainian military were awarded orders and medals during the Anti-terrorist operation.
17:00, 14.07.2015
Ukrainian interest. New Ambassador to US, demonstration in Helsinki, and "closed" Crimean subject

Ukrainian interest. New Ambassador to US, demonstration in Helsinki, and "closed" Crimean subject

Valeriy Chaly was appointed Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States. The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly has recognized Russian military aggression in the Donbas. Sergei Lavrov believes that the subject of Crimea in international relations is closed.
17:00, 13.07.2015
The Games of Factions

The Games of Factions

It’s already a tradition to leave most of the important issues to be addressed during the last plenary session of the week. Despite the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Volodymyr Groysman promising to make deputies work without a break, it is rather difficult to believe.
12:32, 10.07.2015
Week’s milestones. Personnel carousel,  contagious populism, and local interests

Week’s milestones. Personnel carousel, contagious populism, and local interests

The Verkhovna Rada approved a new Head of SBU, dismissed the Minister of Ecology, and issued a "black mark" to Georgia-born Health Minister. Changes at the faction leadership level seem to be very exemplary. Flirting with foreign currency borrowers may end up poorly for the Parliament’s eighth convocation. The constitutional amendments on decentralization became a reality.
09:05, 09.07.2015
Greece crisis - vaccination from greed and populism in Ukraine

Greece crisis - vaccination from greed and populism in Ukraine

The Greeks passed a 'no' vote to harsh economic reforms offered by foreign creditors to assist the country drowning in crisis. What are the consequences of the poll for Greece, Ukraine, and the whole world?
09:00, 08.07.2015
Week in numbers

Week in numbers

Two Ukrainian ministers resigned, 14 Russian companies, including Gazprom, were included in a broadened sanctions list by Canada, 2,000 officers of the brand new police forces began patrolling the Kyiv streets, UAH 40 million is the cost of capital repairs of one kilometer of Ukraine’s roads.
09:20, 07.07.2015
Deputy chief of Ukraine’s Navy: terms of operation of all Ukrainian military vessels will have run out by 2018

Deputy chief of Ukraine’s Navy: terms of operation of all Ukrainian military vessels will have run out by 2018

Andriy Ryzhenko, deputy chief of staff of the Ukrainian Navy tells UNIAN, whether Ukraine will remain a submarine power, what our Navy will be like, how much it will cost and where to get the money.
09:00, 06.07.2015
Gas war with Russia: Time plays for Ukraine

Gas war with Russia: Time plays for Ukraine

Ukraine finally took the right direction in gas talks with Russia by ejecting the conditions of the Gazprom and suspending purchases of Russian gas. Our country will still have some gas available, while the question of filling our gas storage facilities for the winter period lies solely in the framework of relations between Moscow and Brussels, experts say.
18:00, 03.07.2015
Week’s milestones. Unexpected Yanukovych, anticipation of decentralization and resignation of Ecology Minister Shevchenko

Week’s milestones. Unexpected Yanukovych, anticipation of decentralization and resignation of Ecology Minister Shevchenko

Russian authorities were prudent in showing Viktor Yanukovych to the world. The government has proposed to Parliament to dismiss the Minister of Ecology. Initiatives regarding the decentralization of power provoked diverse information flow.
18:05, 02.07.2015
The week in numbers

The week in numbers

1 Ukrainian was injured in a terrorist attack in Tunisia, 19 years have passed since the adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine, 270 people are being held captive by militants in the Donbas, another 1200 have been missing; 900,300 Ukrainians are seeking a refugee status abroad.
09:41, 01.07.2015
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