Week’s milestones. Klitschko’s consolation, Yatsenyuk’s somersault and constitutional mess

Week’s milestones. Klitschko’s consolation, Yatsenyuk’s somersault and constitutional mess

Vitaliy Klitschko got a consolation prize after his political downshifting. Yatsenyuk exchanged his status of party leader for an opportunity to remain Prime Minister. First reading approval of constitutional amendments saw some serious bargaining in parliament.
08:45, 02.09.2015
Constitution and bloodshed

Constitution and bloodshed

A new political season opened on August 31 with preliminary parliamentary approval of Constitutional amendments with 265 votes, but also with explosions and riots near the building of the Verkhovna Rada, claiming at least one life and wounding dozens of law enforcers.
09:20, 01.09.2015
Ukrainian interest. Evil grin of Russian court, Poroshenko’s European voyages, and Jaresko’s exploit

Ukrainian interest. Evil grin of Russian court, Poroshenko’s European voyages, and Jaresko’s exploit

The trial of Oleh Sentsov and Oleksandr Kolchenko has ended with an expectedly brutal sentence. Poroshenko tries to find common ground with the European officials on Donbas conflict issue. Natalie Jaresko managed to win a 20% write-off of Ukraine’s commercial debt.
13:00, 29.08.2015
Ukraine vs Creditors. Who wins?

Ukraine vs Creditors. Who wins?

Ukraine reached an agreement with creditors on restructuring its public debt, writing off of part of it. Global investors see positive outcome while some experts say the agreement carries risks.
17:30, 28.08.2015
Dependencies of Independent

Dependencies of Independent

In a global world, any state is dependent on other countries, one way or another. Ukraine is no exception. However, some of our dependencies are critical; therefore the government’s task is to reduce them.
17:39, 26.08.2015
Week’s milestones. High office puzzle solved; Donbas reflections; revolution in PGO

Week’s milestones. High office puzzle solved; Donbas reflections; revolution in PGO

The ruling party has managed to consolidate three of its wings into one, with a pro-presidential brand. Many thoughts on Donbas have been poured on the eve of Independence Day. The Law "On Prosecutor's Office" is gradually becoming a reality.
17:01, 25.08.2015
Heroes of independent state

Heroes of independent state

While in the past years the highest state decoration - the Hero of Ukraine title - was conferred for highest professional achievements, and, sometimes, upon quite odious citizens, the modern Order bearers are the real heroes. On many of them, the title was conferred posthumously...
08:53, 21.08.2015
For future generations: 10 iconic structures across the new Ukraine

For future generations: 10 iconic structures across the new Ukraine

24 first years of Ukraine's independence will not only be remembered for the two Maidan uprisings (the Orange Revolution and the Revolution of Dignity) and a bloody war with Russia, but also for outstanding construction projects that were completed in the years of the Free Ukraine to serve many generations of our descendants. UNIAN is presenting top 10 most iconic construction projects of the independent Ukraine.
09:12, 19.08.2015
Week’s milestones. Premonition of Donbas all-in, last respects to Yeremeyev, and difficulties of merger

Week’s milestones. Premonition of Donbas all-in, last respects to Yeremeyev, and difficulties of merger

Statements by militant leaders and intensified shelling suggest further escalation of the Donbas conflict. The ruling party is trying to consolidate into a single entity, but the process is delayed by unforeseen difficulties in the form of unprovoked ambitions of some party leaders.
08:37, 18.08.2015
Ukrainian interest. Soldierly Turchynov, escalation in Donbas and exchange of sanctions

Ukrainian interest. Soldierly Turchynov, escalation in Donbas and exchange of sanctions

Ukraine’s Security and Defense Council Secretary has traditionally stricken an aggressive, warlike pose. The Donbas conflict remains far from settlement and stabilization. Ukraine and Russia have exchanged the announcements of upcoming sanctions.
09:00, 17.08.2015
Fake "mobilization"

Fake "mobilization"

The sixth wave of mobilization ends on August 17. Meanwhile, conscription offices, used to a Soviet style of “implementing the plan,” come up with different tricks in order to "entice" the citizens who could potentially be mobilized into the armed forces.
17:00, 14.08.2015
Intermarium Alliance – Will the idea become reality?

Intermarium Alliance – Will the idea become reality?

Hot discussions have erupted on social networks around the century-old idea put forward by Jozef Pilsudski, president of Poland at the time, of establishing the Intermarium Confederation. Modern media have fitted the idea into the current information context, citing the new Polish president. UNIAN has gathered expert opinions on the prospects of such project.
17:45, 12.08.2015
Weekly Balance: Money from IMF, demarche of creditors, and showdown in Cabinet

Weekly Balance: Money from IMF, demarche of creditors, and showdown in Cabinet

The Cabinet set up a energy crisis management headquarters to prepare for the winter, the IMF presented a new list of reforms for Ukraine, and creditors have postponed negotiations - these are the main economic news of the past week.
17:20, 11.08.2015
Ukrainian interest. Flexible Lukashenko, promising Duda and Russian absurdity

Ukrainian interest. Flexible Lukashenko, promising Duda and Russian absurdity

Presidential campaign forces even the authoritarian politicians, like Aleksandr Lukashenko, to broaden contacts with the media.
17:00, 10.08.2015
Restoring justice: Recognizing genocide of Crimean Tatars on global agenda

Restoring justice: Recognizing genocide of Crimean Tatars on global agenda

The Crimean Tatars called on the world to recognize Russia’s policy for the destruction of the Crimean Tatar people as genocide. UNIAN has asked the experts, which mechanisms can be used, and whether the aggressor will be held responsible.
08:53, 07.08.2015
Deputy Ecology Minister: Japan wanted to withdraw the "Kyoto money" from Ukraine, outraged that 'one of our hands does not know what the other is doing'

Deputy Ecology Minister: Japan wanted to withdraw the "Kyoto money" from Ukraine, outraged that 'one of our hands does not know what the other is doing'

UNIAN sits with Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Svitlana Kolomiets to talk about the ways of attracting investors to the Chernobyl exclusion zone, environmental crises in war-torn Donbas and Russian-annexed Crimea, and on prospects of fighting the "amber mafia".
10:12, 06.08.2015
Ukraine’s fugitive saviors

Ukraine’s fugitive saviors

Ukraine Salvation Committee has been presented in Moscow. Every committee member has one thing in common – they are on the wanted list of the Ukrainian law enforcement agencies. 
09:13, 05.08.2015
Week in numbers

Week in numbers

14 Russian companies fell under new US sanctions, oil prices may drop to $35 per barrel if Iran restarts supplies, UAH 128,000 is the cost of training of one Ukrainian cop.
12:20, 03.08.2015
Ukrainian interest: Litmus Security Council, missile swap and Azarov's intentions

Ukrainian interest: Litmus Security Council, missile swap and Azarov's intentions

The meeting of the UN Security Council session on setting up an MH17 international criminal tribunal saw a projected outcome. Petro Poroshenko offered the Western countries a logical exchange of military deterrents. Mykola Azarov has decided to rescue Ukraine.
15:44, 02.08.2015
Searching for trade partners

Searching for trade partners

The outcome of Ukraine’s foreign trade this year is far from encouraging. In January-May, our exports were down by 35.9%, imports fell by 38.8%. This forces the government to introduce urgent measures to promote trading flows.
17:35, 29.07.2015
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